Most Wired Survey Now Open; Look for an Email with Log-in Information
Michelle Patterson – VP, Operations
We are pleased to announce that the 2019 CHIME HealthCare’s Most Wired survey is now open. The Most Wired team today began sending emails to members and other prospective participants with a custom log-in to the survey, instructions and information about available resources. We encourage every member of CHIME to participate.
This is the second year that CHIME has overseen the program, which measures excellence in the use of healthcare IT and honors health organizations that meet Most Wired’s high standards. There are many benefits to participating, including getting a customized benchmarking report and the opportunity for your organization to be recognized as a healthcare leader. Beyond that, you will know that your team is contributing to a global effort to improve health and care.
The 2019 survey has been revised to incorporate the latest innovations and best practices. This year CHIME will offer surveys to three groups of participants: hospitals and health systems in the U.S.; hospitals and health systems outside the U.S.; and ambulatory/outpatient health organizations. U.S.-based organizations with both inpatient and outpatient services are encouraged to complete both types of surveys. CHIME will stagger the release and closing of the three surveys, with the domestic survey opening today, followed by international, and then ambulatory/outpatient. Each type of survey will remain open for two months.
Besides updating the survey, the Governing Board has recalibrated the threshold for being named Most Wired. CHIME will announce the names of the 2019 Most Wired recipients and hold a recognition event at the CHIME Fall CIO Forum, which is scheduled for Nov. 3-6 in Phoenix.
If you do not see an email from us, or if you know of a hospital, health system or ambulatory organization that would like to participate, please email us at [email protected]. The Most Wired team is available to answer any questions and to help set up log-in access.