Develop Women Leaders, Transform Leadership
I am passionate about developing the next generation of leaders, in particular helping to develop women leaders in health IT. I have joined with Gale Thompson, a renowned leadership coach, to offer a new service through StarBridge Advisors called C-change. Our goal is to equip female leaders in health IT with the perspectives, knowledge, skills and support to be an effective leader – her way.
Why are we doing this? We see a world in which female IT professionals hold up half the world in healthcare at all levels. They are seen, supported, and expected to be leaders. They are equally as successful and effective as their male colleagues and enabled to be leaders each in their own unique way, drawing on their strengths, values, and personal qualities. They can effectively bring to leadership both their head and heart.
We want to support the development of female leaders at all stages of their career such that they enter, evolve, and attain leadership positions at a rate equal to their male peers and in a way that fully utilizes their strengths.
To start with, C-change will offer two unique online courses beginning in March:
Preparing Emerging Leaders for Success
This course is aimed at women early in their health IT career who are looking to develop their leadership skills. I will conduct a 6-month online series of participative group webinars for aspiring women leaders. Each series will be limited to 20 participants and include 6 one-hour monthly sessions, each with a presentation and small group breakouts for discussion on the following topics:
Building Confidence – Developing Your Inner Strength and Voice
Finding Your Passion – How to Know When to Make a Move
Negotiating for Success – Negotiation Skills and Crucial Conversations
Building Your Network and Personal Brand – Leveraging Social Media
Making the Right Choices for You – Life/Work Balance
Through this custom-tailored series, you will gain valuable insight and make lasting connections with other aspiring women leaders.
Harnessing Your Strengths
Have you ever wondered what your strengths really are, and how you can create the conditions that allow your strengths to shine? Led by Gale, this course is designed to answer these questions. Gale’s custom-tailored coaching will bring your Strengths alive by applying them to your leadership and life.
This interactive course enriches an intimate group of 4 people through 6 live, online sessions of one hour each augmented by two 30-minute individual sessions with Gale. After you provide your completed Gallup StrengthsFinder results before the course begins, we collaborate as a small group to create a customized program through shared goals and agreed upon guidelines. Gale will also provide you with a deeper dive report on your Top 10 Strengths that help make them actionable for you.
This course and the actions you take between sessions will enable you to view and work with your Strengths to generate different results both internally and externally. Each of us has a unique set of Strengths – as you learn to harness them in yourself, you are better equipped to see and develop them in the people around you.
We are not stopping there. In addition to these online course offerings, C-change will offer a variety of tailored services to leaders and organizations who want to take their leadership, teams, and culture to a different level. Other servicesinclude:
One-on-one Leadership Coaching – 3 or 6 months engagement in which we provide the learning space needed to achieve the individual leader’s goals for learning, ranging from leadership presence to expanding capacity, and more
Team Coaching – team-focused engagement with the goal of bringing awareness, a common development language, and ways of working together to a team environment
Leadership Trainings and Assessments, with topics such as:
Strengths – seeing them in each other
Dare to Lead™– cultivating courageous leadership – offered in summary form or a deeper dive that leads to participant certification
The Nervous System and its Impact on Leadership
Leadership 360° and Culture Assessments using the Leadership Circle
Tailored Leadership Training – a programmatic approach to bringing people skills into the work place and applying them
If you are interested in one of the courses or exploring any of these services, visit StarBridge Advisors to learn more. And if you are attending HIMSS19 in Orlando, I’d love to meet up and tell you more about C-change in person.
We look forward to working with you on your leadership journey as you become the leader you were born to be and that our industry needs.
This piece was originally published on Sue Schade’s blog, Health IT Connect. Follow her on Twitter at @sgschade.