CHIME’s Top Priority: Helping Members and Organizations Address Coronavirus and Flu Challenges
By John Kravitz, CHCIO, Chair, CHIME Board; Corporate CIO, Geisinger Health System
Although it is disappointing to not see everyone in Orlando at the spring forum, the health and wellbeing of our members and team are top priorities for CHIME. Yes, there will be some impact to the organization, such as rescheduling keynote speakers to a virtual event and/or for the fall forum, conducting focus groups virtually and potentially postposing some programs into early summer. This, by far, is the least of our concerns.
Our top priority is assisting you and your organizations as we address the Coronavirus outbreak and flu season. As medical leaders across the world continue to monitor and respond to the Coronavirus, we at CHIME are confident we can provide the appropriate support, networking and continued education to help you address this and future challenges.
Experienced digital executives know that challenges equate to chances to innovate and improve. This current situation is no different. Our members are finding new ways to use technology to treat and protect their patients, providers and communities during the outbreak. For some, that may mean putting fresh eyes on existing resources, discovering possibilities that weren’t previously apparent. Others are exploring new technologies in healthcare or adapting solutions in other sectors that fill a need, such as telemedicine.
Some of our members are on the front lines of this challenge, including our Italy and Germany chapters and emerging hotbeds in the states of Washington and New York.
No one is better positioned than you, our members, to take on these challenges. Like our members, CHIME approaches this as an opportunity to innovate, explore and improve. The CHIME team is currently re-evaluating educational and professional development programs to ensure members have best-in-class resources, networking and support, whether in person or virtually.
In the meantime, CHIME is encouraging members to share their strategies for dealing with potential outbreak scenarios. Do you have a virtual care solution for serving patients in remote locations? An AI algorithm to identify symptoms or monitor high-risk patients? Drones or robots on standby to reduce potential exposure to humans? Email CHIME at [email protected] with details.